Tour Fallingwater during December, Purchase a 2024 Calendar
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We are a member-based nonprofit dedicated to protecting and restoring the region’s waters, forests, natural areas and wildlife, planting community trees, gardens and greenspaces, and caring for Frank Lloyd Wright’s Fallingwater.

WPC Donors and Volunteers Helped Wild Places and Green Spaces Thrive in 2023

From a school parking lot transformed to an outdoor classroom, to nearly 800 trees planted in city neighborhoods and nearly 3,000 acres of local land conserved, the Conservancy’s work in 2023 has touched communities across our region and helped wildlife thrive–all possible thanks to the care, passion and generosity of WPC supporters.

Here is just a small sample of projects you helped us complete this year!

  • With volunteers and community groups, we redesigned a garden on a city street to increase access for people living with disabilities. And we replaced a school parking lot with an ADA-accessible garden and an outdoor classroom.

  • Three WPC preserves have new parking areas to improve access to nature. At Wolf Creek Narrows Natural Area, Slippery Rock University students helped plant trees in a former pasture to reduce runoff.

  • Filtration ponds are removing acid mine drainage from streams flowing to the Youghiogheny River. On Lower Elk Creek in Erie County, volunteers helped to transplant 800 live stakes of trees to take root and stabilize a streambank.

  • With partners, we’re developing Untold Stories, which will share stories about underrepresented and marginalized people who preceded settlers living across our region.

  • In old-growth forests, we conducted field surveys that will enable us to create a tool to help conservation groups manage old-growth stands for ecological and climate change resiliency.

  • We began World Heritage Preserved, a multi-year effort to repair and preserve essential components of Fallingwater’s stone, concrete, roofs and steel systems.

Your support makes a real difference for conservation…and for future generations. Please make a one-time or monthly donation, or renew your membership today or by Dec. 31 to protect our region’s wild places and green spaces. Or let us help you give the gift of nature with a gift membership by December 18. It’s our nature!

iconProtect wild places and green spaces: Give today

Enjoy More Land in Forbes State Forest

Imperiled species such as the golden-winged warbler and eastern brook trout will see more of their natural habitat permanently protected, thanks to our recent land protection in the Laurel Highlands that adds 410 acres to Forbes State Forest. 

The forested land will further safeguard air and water quality and wildlife habitat, and add additional recreational value to this rich natural landscape.

iconRead about land protected

Informing State Wildlife Action Plans

Once-endangered peregrine falcons have repopulated our skies, thanks to protection under the federal Endangered Species Act, enacted 50 years ago. But many species in our state still face threats such as invasive species, habitat loss and climate change. Our Pennsylvania Natural Heritage Program staff provide data and expertise on 664 animals, aquatic species and invertebrates to inform State Wildlife Action Plans, through which we partner with other organizations to bring awareness to at-risk species. We're working on the upcoming plan.     

iconRead the current Action Plan

Growing Pittsburgh’s Tree Canopy

The Conservancy will partner to plant and maintain more trees in Pittsburgh’s underserved neighborhoods, thanks to a very generous USDA Forest Service grant to Tree Pittsburgh and the Pittsburgh Canopy Alliance, of which WPC is a member. The grant will help PCA plant more trees and support more resilient urban forests, which in turn combat extreme heat and climate change, and improve access to nature. 

We’ll need volunteers to plant all those trees. Stay tuned for opportunities in 2024!

iconLearn about the grant

Apply to WPC’s Emerging Leaders Advisory Committee

Are you a young professional with a passion for hiking, conservation, community gardens, trees, Fallingwater or wildlife? Apply to WPC's Emerging Leaders Advisory Committee through Jan. 15. 

Emerging Leaders network with like-minded leaders and give back to the community by supporting WPC’s work. 

Visit the Emerging Leaders page on our website or contact Lauren Marshall at 412-586-2410 or

iconApply to be an emerging leader

Tour Fallingwater During the December Holidays

Enjoy a weekend day with family or friends at Fallingwater during this holiday season. Imagine what it would be like to be warmed by the fire at the stone hearth and enjoy the pine boughs and poinsettias that add natural color and scent to the rooms. Interior tours are available weekends in December as well as Dec. 26, 28 and 29. Reservations are essential. Self-guided grounds passes are available daily except Wednesdays. 

Learn about special preservation projects that begin in December. 

iconReserve tour tickets today

Download Fall Images

Mud devil, Allegheny alligator, snot otter…Pennsylvania’s state amphibian, the eastern hellbender salamander, has plenty of nicknames and a strangely endearing grin. Because it can live up to 50 years and requires excellent water quality to survive and reproduce, its presence in local rivers and streams is a great indicator of a waterway’s long-term health. 

The hellbender is a species of concern due to declining populations; since 2007, WPC has monitored hellbender populations throughout the region. Download this and other images.

iconDownload fall images

2024 Fallingwater Calendar

Our 2024 Fallingwater Calendar, presenting all-new photographs by Pittsburgh-based photographer Dave Bryce, is now on sale! 

Jumpstart the new year by gifting “Visions of Fallingwater” as captured in our 2024 Calendar, which features interior and exterior moments of the house throughout the seasons. At 30% off, you might want to gift one to yourself!

iconPurchase your 2024 Fallingwater Calendar today

Learn More

Read: Evening Grosbeak Project on
Watershed Mini Grants: Apply by Dec. 18
ICYMI: Land Protection Webinar
Schedule Spring Fallingwater Field Trips
Volunteer as a Garden Steward
Start a Career with Us
Follow WPC on YouTube

See Wright at the Westmoreland Museum
Learn How Our Work Benefits Public Land

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